
Painter for companies

We at Maler-Teamet take on painting tasks for companies, housing companies, public institutions and for private individuals. However we are a painting company that specializes in servicing business customers in the Greater Copenhagen area.

If your company also needs a business painter when talk to us. We help various professions with painting and floor service. Here are a few examples of the types of companies that we would like to take on painting assignments for:

  • Office companies
  • Service companies
  • Production companies
  • Shops
  • Restaurants
Painter for companies - Maler-Teamet
Painting of offices - Painting work - Maler-Teamet

Painter for offices

We are interested in undertaking painting of larger or smaller office premises. We offer to conduct various types of renovations of offices and fulfil painting contracts. We e.g. help with painting of ceilings, walls and wood as well as with floor sanding and floor treatment.

If  your office also needs an upgrade then please contact us. We always give a good offer on painting and renovation of offices.

For us it is not important which kind of company we do painting work for. In addition to painting and floor service of offices we are also interested in undertaking specialised painting tasks for companies in the Copenhagen area.

Painter for production companies

In manufacturing companies there will typically be a lot of wear and tear of the floor and walls. Maler-Teamet offers to freshen up your production facility with durable floor and wall paint.

In production companies it is important that the employees have a clean and tidy environment to work in. If walls, ceilings and floors get new life and are refreshed with paint then the employees will also be happy about this.

No matter which type of production company you have a painting job for then in then get in touch with us. We are interesting in giving offers for standard painting tasks as well as specialised and more demanding renovation tasks.

Painting company for production companies - Maler-Teamet
Painting windows for a housing company in Copenhagen - Painter for business

Painting of shops

At Maler-Teamet we paint shops and stores in the Copenhagen area. We paint and renovate shop facades and performs all kinds of indoor painting work.

If you are a shop owner you can get a non-binding offer from us for painting and renovation of your shop. We have a larger team of painters who can get your shop painted quickly. Thus you do not have to keep closed for too long. Of course this is also something that you need to take into consideration. Especially if you are considering painting and renovating your store yourself.

It is important that your store appears inviting and comfortable for customers to visit. A nice renovation and painting of the storefront will make the store more visible in the street and will attract more customers. A newly painted interior will freshen up the shop which employees and customers will enjoy. Let Maler-Teamet help you paint your shop.

Painting of restaurants

If you are the owner of a restaurant, café, pizzeria or other dinning place Maler-Teamet would be happy to help you with the painting work. We have more than 10 years of experience in helping the business community in Copenhagen with various painting and flooring tasks. We would also like to help you.

Every restaurant or café needs to be painted and refreshed from time to time. At Maler-Teamet we have experience in helping local restaurateurs and café owners in the Copenhagen area with renovations. Maler-Teamet is ready to help you with a quick and nice renovation of your restaurant or café.

In order not to lose money due to a long shutdown you should consider getting professional help. Therefore Maler-Teamet makes it possible for you to get a quick and beautiful renovation of your restaurant. You can get a non-binding offer from us on painting and renovation of your restaurant.

Painting of restaurants and other dining places in Copenhagen
Professional painter for businesses in Copenhagen - Maler-Teamet

Contact os for more info

If you as a company in the Copenhagen area and need a painter then contact us. Our strong team of painters is ready to take on new tasks for local companies in and around Copenhagen .

Contact us to get more information about our prices and to get a non-binding offer. When we take on a task for you as a business customer you will of course benefit from our many years of experience. We always make sure to deliver quality work and we provide advice and guidance in connection with renovation tasks.

Call +45 27124187 and have a talk with us if you e.g. want an offer for a painting assignment. You can also use our get an offer form here on the website. We always respond quickly.

Last updated: 24th June 2023